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Re: Antonio Banderas to play Senna

To: craig boyle <>, <>
Subject: Re: Antonio Banderas to play Senna
From: Bryan Medway <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 09:25:07 -0700

hmmm.. Did I miss something when I wasted $8.75 in the theater to watch this

IMHO, masterpiece's don't use model cars for crashes that end up looking
like model cars in the final movie...

next you'll tell me Get Carter was good too... ;)

Cobra was the last good movie Stallone was in.. =)

01 Neon ES

> And don't forgot "Driven", Stallone's misunderstood
> masterpiece about CART ( -1 *  in the Mercury News)
> goes on sale today.
> It'll take your mind of other events.
> Craig
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