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RE: renting a car with a manual tranny

To: "''" <>,
Subject: RE: renting a car with a manual tranny
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 17:03:30 -0700
Larry Stark writes...

>You are a very brave man or you have lost 
>your senses. Maintaining a relationship and teaching your girl 
>friend to 
>drive a stick shift car is a very risky proposition! As you bounce 
>down the street, grinding gears and stalling be prepared for pent up
>frustrations to come at you hot and heavy. Advice from some one 
>who's been there. 

Boris, Larry is right. I've even tried teaching FRIENDS how to drive a stick
shift. They are no longer my friends. I still hate them. In fact, why my
parents still talk to me, I have no idea. 

On the other hand, working in your favor is that you're looking for a
rent-a-car. Watching anyone you know and love dismantle your gear box as you
sit powerless in the passenger seat is enough to drive most anyone over the
brink. That's why I learned on those press cars that my folks would get for
a week. The Merkur was one of the easier cars, as was the second generation

I think James' friend might have an '82 Accord available.

Katie Kelly

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