No, the locals don't have to "clear off". They can stay and watch if
they so desire.
Rich Urschel wrote:
> Kenneth Allan Mitchell wrote:
> > The Sacramento Chapter of the San Francisco Region/SCCA is hosting a
> > nationals warm-up/Test & Tune on August 18 & 19 at Mather Regional Park
> > near Sacramento, CA. The cost is $1.00 (100 pennies but we prefer the
> > paper money). No its not a typo, its just $1.00 per run. You can take
> > all the runs you want each day. The entry to the warm-up test & tune is
> > only open to drivers that are signed up and attending the Solo II
> > Nationals.
> >
> > The Nationals warm-up will be held after the conclusion of the regular
> > SCCA Sac Cup Series event each day. The regular event on both days is
> > open to "everyone" and membership is not required. The entry fee for
> > members is $20.00 and $25.00 for non-members. The run-group schedules
> > for the events on the 18th and the 19th are listed below.
> >
> > If the group wants a different course design than what was run that day,
> > the Chapter will accommodate the request. If there is an interest for a
> > skid pad, a skid pad will be setup.
> >
> > The regular event format (4 runs per entry with fun runs as time permits
> > in both the morning and afternoon sessions) will be conducted as usual.
> > No sign up or pre-registration is necessary. Just attend the regular
> > event and at the end of the regular event, everyone will regroup
> > briefly, than the warm-up begins.
> Let me see if I understand what I am reading here. We
> will have the local autocrossers participating in a ten-event
> regional series pay for a site for two days, and tell them
> to clear off each day so National Entrants only can enjoy a
> rarer than gold test and tune opportunity for 20% of the
> cost per run. Have I got this "to the least neediest, from
> the least capable" thinking correct?
> Rich Urschel
Kenneth Allan Mitchell