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RE: Clairvoyant Omnipotence; was: CA Special Alert

To: "Rich Urschel" <>,
Subject: RE: Clairvoyant Omnipotence; was: CA Special Alert
From: "Michael R. Clements" <>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 18:59:58 -0700
I would suggest one big jet and one little jet. The only way I could ever
get the sizes right was seat of the pants trial and error. So much for
clairvoyance. . .

-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Urschel [mailto:OSP13@ATTGLOBAL.NET]
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 18:45
To: Michael R. Clements
Subject: Clairvoyant Omnipotence; was: CA Special Alert

"Michael R. Clements" wrote:

>  Every time a politician receives a well
> articulated and well reasoned letter from a pissed off citizen, I can tell
> it is a wake-up call.

Could you refocus your omnipotent awareness
to matters of autocross and tell me what combination
of Weber jets I need to install in a ported TwinCam?
Rich Urschel

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