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RE: claiming

To: John Kelly <>,,
Subject: RE: claiming
From: John Kelly <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 15:49:31 -0400
-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------

Message text written by Lolita and Mike

"On an entirely different subject I have a question about " claim racing "
so called "true stock" class , so here goes,
(OK some of you may have to forgive me for raising the question if it's old
news , but) has there been any discussion in SCCA about a "true" stock
My definition, to wit the  "claim it " piece, is that the winner has to be
willing to sell any non-stock part on the car to any 2nd-nth place finisher
for the equivalent price of a replacement stock part."
-------------------- End Original Message --------------------

This was tried in SCCA road racing over a decade ago, maybe 15 years. Only
in that deal you had to claim the whole car, not just a specific part. It
was abandoned as unworkable after two years or so.

        At present in the oval track world, the IMCA Modified, NASCAR Grand
Ams, and Dirt Modifieds (all the same car but different sanctioning bodies)
have an engine claiming rule. The top five cars can have their engine
claimed for $500-$750 by any other driver in the field.
        That has now been modified down to just the cylinder heads in the
NASCAR sanction.
NASCAR and IMCA officials are paid.
        Seems to me you're asking for an enormous amount of work on the
part of volunteer SCCA officials to enforce something. Do you really see a
need to claim some guy's stock fuel injection system? How would he get
        Do you want to claim tires? Batteries? Wheels? Crash bolts?
        We already have a protest system in place. If somebody is using
illegal wheels, for example, it's easy enough to protest that vehicle. What
we don't need is for the protester to now have the use of illegal wheels.

--John Kelly

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