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RE: My divisional picks revisited

Subject: RE: My divisional picks revisited
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 16:34:32 -0700
Peter writes...

>I was telling Katie the other day that I'm in that 
>transition phase where I'm no longer staring at the cones 
>right in front of me, and I'm trying to look ahead but can't >yet sight
what I need to see.  As a result I'm really
>just looking at nothing, which is why I keep mowing down 
>those poor cones.

One time, I was looking so far ahead, I drove completely off the course. If
it makes you feel any better, I saw Jim McKamey (yes, Jim McKamey!) average
about six pylons each run at the Meridian Tour a couple of years ago. I
think he was looking so far ahead, he wasn't seeing the cones. I teased him
about it, and he didn't seem to think it was all that funny. I suggested he
try an autocross school. I just have this knack for saying all the wrong

Do you ever do yoga? You know when you do those balance poses which seem so
ridiculously impossible? Then they tell you to focus on something specific
on the floor? I think it's kind of like that. It's still hard to do, but
after awhile, it gets easier. You just have to keep practicing. I don't
really understand how it all works, Train yourself to look at a specific
cone as you're going around a turn. You'll feel a lot more "grounded," and
you'll be able to carry more speed because your mind, which can only focus
on one thing at a time (scientific fact!) won't notice that your tires are
barely connected to the ground as you drift out of the turn. But you have to
have that focal point or you're going to miss entire turns. It could get


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