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Re: My divisional picks revisited

To: Scot Zediker <>,
Subject: Re: My divisional picks revisited
From: James Creasy <>
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 22:31:11 -0700

so howd you do in the lottery?

-james c
OSP #74

----- Original Message -----
From: Scot Zediker <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 10:20 PM
Subject: My divisional picks revisited

> Okay, I was crazy enough to try picking winners for this weekend's
> Divisional.  So, let's see how I did...
> > SS - Stacey Molleker
> How the hell was I supposed to know he'd switch classes?  At least I
> the right car.
> > SSL - Laura Molleker
> Right.
> > AS - Teresa Neidel
> Once again, I did pick the right car.  But the wrong driver.
> > ASL - Annie Gill
> Right.
> Well, what can I say?  Her competition didn't show up.
> > BS - MJ Dunlap
> Apparently, I had underestimated Ken Motonishi's driving ability.  Of
> his car did win Nationals a couple years ago, but it won't drive itself.
> > CS - Jim Daniels (but I'll have the fastest Miata here ;)
> At least I was wrong on the winner.  I did indeed have the fastest Miata
> the field (and the fastest non-black CS car).
> > CSL - Carol Leuty
> Tami Daniels was looking pretty awesome today on course.
> > FS - Michael DeJesus
> Right.
> > GS - Derek Butts (I wouldn't bet against this guy if he was running this
> > class in my wife's car)
> Right.
> The car might surprise a few folks, given that it has an automatic and is
> quite a bit heavier than a Type R.  But cars don't win; drivers do.
> > GSL - Katie Elder
> Right.
> Her only competitor moved to GS.
> At this point, I should mention that I didn't pick anyone for ASP because
> there was only one entrant displayed on the Divisional site.
> Congratulations to Ralph Elder on winning the class.
> > BSP - Guy Ankeny (with Ray Miller close behind) (hi, Ray! :)
> I was right about Ray Miller pulling a close second in this class, but it
> was Vic Sias who won it.
> > BSPL - Mary Ankeny
> > CSP - Rick Gould
> I didn't know Tom Ellam was gonna come out!
> > DSP - Arie Villasol (where the heck is Ben?)
> Although I could have been right if Arie's car hadn't broken.  That's what
> I'd like to believe, anyway.
> > ESP - Ken Mitchell
> Right.
> Despite his responses that I had "cursed" him by picking him to win, he
> anyway.
> > ESPL - Jeannine Breese (she does have that National Champion thing going
> for
> > her, y'know)
> Wasn't expecting her to change rides on Sunday...
> > OSP - Tito Solis
> Right.
> > OSPL - Mary Borden (hate betting against a Miata driver, though)
> Serves me right for betting against a Miata...
> > FSP - Sean Green
> There again, somebody showed up that I didn't see on the list...
> > BP - Rick Brown (this one is really tough to call; all three of 'em are
> > good)
> But like SS/SSL, I did go with the right car.
> > CP - Frank Stagnaro
> Right.
> > DP - Chris Kannan
> Right.
> > EP - Dwayne Komush
> How was I supposed to know Arnold was entered?  He wasn't on the list!
> > CM - Chuck Jarvie (I'm guessing on this one...)
> Picked the right car.  As I said above, I was guessing.
> > DM - Karen Babb
> Right car, right last name, wrong first name.
> > EM - Barry Spencer (if he gets the Europa running)
> Right.
> > SM - Corey Smith (definitely NOT that guy in the purple car!)
> Damn purple M3...
> > STR - Barry Chafin
> I forgot how strong the Scoobies have been in this class.
> > STS - Eric West
> Same story... someone I didn't see on the entry list.
> > FJ - Christopher Spencer in the Briggs karts, Garrett Ankeny in the
> > 2-strokers
> Not sure what to say on this one.  Garrett Ankeny got bumped to F125 for
> this event (and did a fine job of keeping Vernon in his sights, btw).
> Myllenbeck ended up in a class of his own.  But as for the Briggs-powered
> karts (FJ Spec, as SCCA calls them), I did pick the right guy.
> Speaking of the junior karts, one thing I remember from Saturday is
> Cameron Kahangi ask his dad, "Can we go to Bremerton?"  Sounds like he's
> the sickness, just like the rest of us!
> Later!
> Scot Zediker, Deuce Reporter :-b

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