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Re: motorcycles as alternative

Subject: Re: motorcycles as alternative
From: Dennis Hale <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 06:37:26 -0700 (PDT)
We rode extensively for about 10 years, I still have a
couple of now museum quality Kawasaki triples around
here. We had a great time. 
We fell, hard. We can't ride anymore. You ride, you
fall. The game ends. This is not a viable solution for
many folks Nanda.
Oh, and those motorcycles didn't really use any less
gas than a car....and a lot more [rear] tire!

Now as to the Insight, I think an Insight type R with
the S2000 engine IS SM! Uglier and faster than an
overboosted Beagle.
Has anyone figured out if a new Honda Civic actually
pollutes less than an electric once the pollution
credited generator of electricity is factored in?
Didn't Bedard do this in Car & Driver about a year
Social Engineering indeed, put Kevin in charge!

Dennis Hale
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