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Re: Required stickers

To: "Lolita and Mike" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Required stickers
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 22:56:42 -0700
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lolita and Mike" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 22:39
Subject: Required stickers

> Anyone interested in hearing a newbe flame the organization over failure to
> disseminate relevant information in a timely manner??

No.  The rule is in the rulebook (3.7), which you need to have one of too, BTW

> Would have been nice to let us know when we registered.
> Been looking for them in Sports Car to no avail, and now it's oh by the way
> wont' be available at laguna.

Not sure where you registered, the sticker notice is on the Divisional web
site.  It's shouldn't be too late to order some from Denver - I think Solotime
also has them.


BTW, per the rulebook, you also need the sponsor sticker, which I'm sorry to
say was the banner.  Charlie, Ralph - what's the call on those?
Do we have a dispensation, or will they be available at the event, or what?

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