> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anthony Tabacco [mailto:atabacco@california.com]
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 7:09 AM
> To: Grantz, Sherry
> Subject: Saturday
> Sherry, Who is Chair for this weekends Solo2 event at GGF? I
> have not seen a
> worker help post.
> Tony
Tony is still in event chair mode from last event; it's a good thing. To
answer the question:
The event chairs for this Saturday's event, May 12 at GGF are Superman Ben
Martinez and Understudy/Co-Driver Roger Boone.
Ben can do almost everything except access e-mail during the day, so I'll
give him a hand here.
As usual early set-up workers will be needed for Saturday. I'm guessing 7:30
to 8 a.m. arrival. E-mail Ben is you can help (send to both addresses; I
don't know which he is using right now):
Do not reply to me - OK???
I'll call him on the old telephone and tell him to check his e-mail before
he leaves Saturday. You may not get a confirmation from him, but show up
anyway. If there are too many helpers, I'm sure he can use people to tech
cars for 1st group.