----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly, Katie" <kkelly@spss.com>
To: "'BAYLISS, E. J. (PBD)'" <EJ.Bayliss@sbcdo.com>; "'Dennis & Sherry
Armstrong'" <miata@pacbell.net>; <ba-autox-digest@autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 11:07 AM
Subject: RE: The most ridicules scene in Driven
> Martinis aren't bad, but turning to alcohol in times of duress isn't
> the best solution. We might at least need to turn to group therapy. Or at
> least comfort foods, which is why I'm still stuck on the ice cream part.
> pizza.
Your idea of comfort food is a bit strange. Pizza is NOT comfort food.
Neither is ice cream; dessert is simply by definition not comfort food
(unless it's a really rich chocolate cake).
BTW, my fave comfort food is macaroni and cheese.
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