Seconded. T&S work is actually pretty easy, and you don't get wet or
sunburnt. But to do properly you really need a cone counter, a card
sorter, a timing person and an announcer. And the people you get to work
with are cool, of course. Its safer than standing on course. (Need I go
Card sorting is also much easier at SFR events rather than NASA ones.
Trying to sort cards without that funky card box we have is way too
difficult.... (And if you think SFR has it bad with bad numbers, at Marina
last weekend we had people running two drivers with the same numbers,
numbers on only once side, etc, etc. It wasn't terribly easy...)
On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Grantz, Sherry wrote:
> Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 10:11:57 -0700
> From: "Grantz, Sherry" <>
> To: "''" <>
> Subject: RE: Silly course question
> Michael makes a valid point here, that although he DNF'd, he was given times
> in the results. I hate to admit it, but I too had a DNF (I know you would
> have thought that was impossible), and was given a time in the results (a
> I think on the second run, although the timing slip said DNF).
> I don't think my time for the first run was right either; but the only run I
> cared about - the good one - was right - so I' m not complaining.
> The times on the results are only as good as the timing crew in the trailer.
> Everyone we had in T&S last Sunday was good. The problem was, often there
> were only two people inside and at the most three. This is with no announcer
> confirming times for anyone listening, no backup for the timing slip person
> (he can only see the display - not get a confirmation from inside on every
> run), and often the person writing times is on the radio talking to the
> timing slip person, starter, and getting cone counts from the course. With a
> car finishing every 20 seconds.
> Why are we so short staffed? Is there a lack of workers? No, it's because
> 90% of the people who sign up to work flip to the back of the page and sign
> up for course. They want to watch cars run before they go out, they think
> T&S is too difficult, or whatever. Several times I had to twist arms and
> browbeat people to get them to work inside (not that I really mind that
> part).
> We need more people to take on the responsibility of working in T&S.
> Remember - your times will only be as accurate as the crew inside - and if
> they all act like your work group, don't expect accuracy.
> We are willing to train T&S workers - remember it's out of the wind and
> you're sitting down, not chasing cones.
> And if you can't get the numbers on your car right - don't even expect T&S
> to try and fix the problem for you. The people inside don't have the time to
> solve problems while running cars every 20 seconds. Don't come to the motor
> home during a run group and ask someone to spend 5 minutes sorting out your
> times and timing cards. After the run group someone may be available to
> help. . . or not.
> Sherry