Writing rules down is a good idea. <insert obvious
reasons, citing development of western civilization>
I'll volunteer to write the rule for each exception
and pass them onto Charlie/SC/whoever for validation.
Sound good?
So far we need :
a) DNF for timeslip rule
b) Cell phone rule
any other SFR-folklore out there that needs writing
about? Thou shalt not .... ?
--- Smokerbros@aol.com wrote:
> Rex Tener wrote:
> > I am sure it is documented in the same place with
> the rule that says "If you
> > hit the timing lights it's a DNF".
> >
> >
> > << And would perhaps that place be in the minds
> of people
> > presuming more authority than they actually have?
> >>
> Okay, let's make the jobs of the Steering Committee
> and Event Chairs tougher,
> and make sure that absolutely every conceivable
> occurrence is in the supps.
> I made the cell phone on course rule. You don't
> like it? Too bad.
> Sometimes rules need to be made on the spot, usually
> to cover human
> stupidity. The kid running for the downed cone and
> putting it back in its
> box, while talking on the cell phone was being
> stupid. I suppose we can put
> all these rules in the supps (you know, the ones
> nobody reads) if it makes
> you happy. Or, we can write a rule empowering Event
> Chairs to impose their
> own safety related rules. I thought there was a
> section on "unnecessary
> delay of event" that covered hitting the timers, but
> can't find it.
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