OK, I've been thinking about getting my '01 Miata aligned
since there's a nasty rumor going around that the factory
alignment is not setup at all for autocross. Anyway, should
I take it to Jack, or is there anyone closer (I live in
Mountain View), that can do a good job?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Smokerbros@aol.com [mailto:Smokerbros@aol.com]
> Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 17:08
> To: ba-autox@autox.team.net
> Subject: The alignment pimp speaks! (Jack Chew found!!)
> I have found Dr. Jack Chew, Automotive Chiropractor!
> He's at Motorsport Techniques, 1410 W. Winton in Hayward.
> (510) 783-8383
> Hours: 9:30-6:00 Mon.-Fri., 10:00-6:00 Sat.
> He just got his alignment rack up and running, and is ready
> to perform
> autocross alignments.
> Charlie Davis