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Re: Thank You Sacramento!

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>,
Subject: Re: Thank You Sacramento!
From: "J. Ochi" <>
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 14:35:31 -0700
Yes, I'm bummed.  I was supposed to get a win this weekend, and so was Don 
Ebaugh.  Next time is Sharon's turn.  Then Carolyn, followed by Marco and 
Elton.    That was the schedule we agreed to at the beginning of the 
season.  But now Navid decides to hog the wins, and gets his second and 
third before the rest of us even get our first wins.  Not only that, but he 
found the cone magnets that we had hidden on his car and put them on mine, 
forcing me to cone away my two best runs.

Actually, I haven't yet found my Mazda mechanic - seriously, folks, I'm 
still looking for a good Mazda mechanic in San Francisco.  No, I'm not 
doing some sort of bizarre trans-marque parts substitution, nor is Lucy 
being turned into the Rocket Miata from Hell.  It's just for some routine 
maintenance for a friend's car (piston powered, non-autoxer).


At 09:16 AM 4/2/2001 -0700, Kelly, Katie wrote:
>This past weekend rocked. It could have been a little warmer on Sunday, but
>that's not your fault. The courses were really tough, which made it all the
>more enjoyable.
>I do have one complaint, though, and that is that the competition in SM is
>getting faster and faster. This is becoming ever so annoying. Not only that,
>someone is becoming a victory hog. We had five different winners for the
>first five events, and then Navid had to come and win two in a row. I guess
>he missed the meeting where we decided that next would be Jim's turn?
>Well, it's okay, though. Jim found his Mazda mechanic, so you can expect new
>things. Isn't that right, Jim?

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