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Numbers, numbers, numbers

To: "autox- ba Email list" <>
Subject: Numbers, numbers, numbers
From: "Donald R McKenna" <>
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 12:09:33 -0700
This message is for those of you who ARE using legible car number and class
designations on, both sides of, your cars. 

I think we're seeing some improvement in car numbering/class graphics.

A lot of the new folks are "gettin-wit-da-program" but, some of the old
regulars are setting not-so-good examples. Like, to site one case yesterday,
a small white "1" and a red "4" on one-side only, of a tan car.  Really hard
to see!

So, what to do? 

PLEASE, collar, cajole, threaten, (or do whatever it takes) your
"number-challenged" friends/acquaintances to get them to "pop" for some
good, legible number/class designators.


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