I second that Scott! I was not sure if I wanted to go that far
and spend whole weekend but it was worth it. This has been best event
I've ever had so far. And 9 fun runs, wow! I've never seen before my
tires literary melt;-)
Big thanks to our Sacramento hosts and my personal grattitude goes to
Ken Mitchell for great instruction and advice! Under his close
I finally broke 1:04 barrier on my 9th fun run running street tires
Scot Zediker wrote:
> Just thought I'd drop a quick note to thank the Sacramento Chapter for a
> great weekend. The courses were interesting and they even thought to
> provide good weather for us :) And the opportunity for fun runs was nice
> too; got to drive Eric C's S2000 today. Now THAT was fun!
> BTW, I did have enough gas to make it to the gas station when we left :)
> Scot