This is your webmaster speaking.
Apparently you are not aware of the links on our homepage --
On most browsers, if you take your cursor over a link such
as the "Fire and safety school" item you referred to, it changes
from an arrow to a little pointing finger (or some such). With a
little practice, you can see that such links look different from
regular text -- different color, underlined, etc. In this case,
if you had clicked on that link, it would have taken you to our news
page, with a full description of the event in question.
In addition, all the little red buttons are links, each of which takes
you to a whole area of pages about the named subject. There is a
whole world of autocross information within, including answers to
many of your questions.
The next event is always top left of the home page, in plain sight
I always thought -- is there something I need to change to make
it more visible? Note that almost every line in this area is a link
to a page with more information.
This use of links to get more information is called
"Hypertext Linking", and is one of the basic
elements of the web. Hey, that's what "surfing the web" is all about!
Try it, you'll like it!
BTW, I believe it's a federal law that complete service manuals be
available for cars sold in the US, though often at very high prices.
On my Volvo, I can even shop for them online. I am sure they are
available for your car, too. But you surely won't need them for
autocrossing unless/until you get into divisional or national
level competition, and are seen as someone whose preparation
to the rules is questionable.
Jerry Mouton mailto:jerry@moutons.org Laissez les bons temps
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Eynon" <stingray@onth.com>
To: <ba-autox@autox.team.net>
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2001 12:15 PM
Subject: More Rookie Questions...
> Thanks to all those who have offered up good advice and options. I have a
> couple more questions...
> First, this event on Sunday... All I see listed is "Fire and safety
> on the website. Is this the event that everyone is heading up to? Would
> this be a good event to show up un-registered and meet people? In other
> words, can I *crash* the event...? Bad form. I know.
> Next... equipment questions:
> SHOES - I have been heel-and-toe'ing for years, but I have never owned a
> where the pedals were really setup to do this, so I always have done is
> backwards (heel to gas, toe to brake). The M3 seems to have pedals placed
> specifically with heel-and-toe in mind, which means that its very
> to do it backwards... hence I am now forcing myself to do it the right
> The problem is that doing it the right way requires a lot more
> sensitivity... and tennis shoes no longer cut it.
> I have gone out to the web and or course found Simpson shoes, but no other
> brand. I am guessing these are fine, but thought I would ask before
> ordering. What do people recommend for a size 11 foot and an M3? Are
> bennies to a high-top over a low-top?
> NUMBERS - I was gonna head out to get a set of magnetic numbers for my
> doors, but then thought about the obvious question... Will I be assigned a
> number, or can I just pick one?
> HELMETS - It seems that you can spend anywhere from ~$100 all the way up
> ~$800 for a helmet. What makes one helmet better than another? Is the
> nomax lining worth getting? Open face, or shielded?
> FUEL - How important is this? When I used to drag race midyear Corvettes,
> this was a big deal... There is a huge difference between 87 pump octane,
> and 111 airplane fuel in an old Chevy small-block. But... I am guessing
> that the M3 has some knock sensor in it that will get screwed up if I pump
> too high an octane through it. My guess is that I should be sticking with
> 92 pump octane, but thought I would ask to see what y'all know.
> SHOP MANUAL - I thought this was taken care of, but it seems that the
> I talked with at the Steven's Creek BMW service department really didn't
> know what the heck I was talking about, so it didn't get ordered. I would
> have thought that he had seen this request before. Where should I be
> getting one of these? The verbage on the SFSCCA website is a little
> ambiguous... do I really need one of these on hand before I can race?
> // Mike Eynon
> // Chief Technology Officer
> // OnTh Wireless
> // "The Wireless Database Company"
> // 1366 Bulb Ave
> // Santa Cruz, CA 95062
> // stingray@onth.com
> // 831.588.2388 (cell)
> // 831.621.9402 (voice mail & fax)