----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig Haggart, Accelerator Ops" <haggart@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
To: <Smokerbros@aol.com>
Cc: <BA-AUTOX@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: Quelling the teeming hordes of autox students...
> > I'm guessing you'd get VERY few instructors on a
> > weekday...
> Has anybody ever asked?
I wouldn't do it on a weekday. As it is, I won't be at the school this year
because the school falls on the last day of Cisco's third fiscal quarter.
Everyone in manufacturing is expected to be at work on the last day of the
quarter; I took a lot of heat from my boss last year for attending the
Lemoore ProSolo last year for this reason.
Otherwise, I would be instructing this year.