The moment has arrived!
We're only 10 days away from the biggest, most sought-after autocross
mega-event of the year. Boondoggle III. This event will probably have more
sequels than Star Trek and Rocky combined!
There will NOT be rolling blackouts, no dot-com failures, no vote recounts, no
appearances by 'N Sync, genetically-altered food, rookie classes (novice is the
new name), or tire recalls at Boondoggle III.
There WILL be a lot of SCCA membership cards, interesting new sponsors, kids in
go karts, brand-new tires, bench-racing, bragging rights, and excuses.
The event chairs are Katie Kelly and myself.
Anyone who shows up at 7:00 and helps Katie and me set up will not have to do
their regular work assignment.
Since we expect a large turnout due to the Ravens' great defense, please help
us out any way you can. Please show up early for your work assignment to help
make the changeovers quicker. If you co-drive, please change drivers quickly.
We will be asking lots of you for help during the day. Remember, it gets dark
at around 5:30 and we want everyone to get their 3 runs. We can't afford many
More to come. See you at Oakland!
-Vernon Head