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RE: It's quiet....

To: "Andy McKee" <>, <>,
Subject: RE: It's quiet....
From: "Navid Kahangi" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 17:16:14 -0800
Mr2. Mocker says...
> Ok, OK, I've had enough!  First rule of trashtalking:  You should
> at least be
> able to partially back up your talk with real deeds.
> So, while Scot has Miatexcuse, all of you souped up grocery
> getter family car
> M3 guys should shut up until you can *at least* keep up with a
> *stock* MR2.
> If you want to continue your delusional ravings, please take it
> to BMW (Bite My
> Weenie) list.
> -Andy Mocker (according to spell checker)

Dear Mr. Mocker,

If you had paid attention, you would have realized that I pick and choose my
trash-talking targets carefully.  That's more than I can say for Kit.  I
think his mouth way outruns his ability and his machinery.  :)


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