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100% Mazda High Performance Steel Rims

To: <>, <>
Subject: 100% Mazda High Performance Steel Rims
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 19:32:26 EST
These high performance steel rims will shave seconds off your autox and track 
times, not to mention your daily commute. They will also give your Miata a 
retro Porsche Spyder factory race look which will attract the fairer sex in 
droves. The Toyo T1s's tires will allow you to attack puddles on the freeway 
with confidence, spraying FUV's with a massive rooster tail. The tires are 
incredible by themselves and have outstanding wet grip...the best I have 
experienced. I would prefer to sell these limited edition beauties to someone 
within the the San Francisco bay area, since they are too precious to ship. 
Operators are standing may already be too late. $250 with 195/14 r14 
Toyo T1s's, $50 well used stock rubber.

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