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Re: A safetty question

To: Greg Umbay <>
Subject: Re: A safetty question
From: Derek Butts <>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 09:50:35 -0700
What I use when I am in a car without a harness is a simple device made by 
AutoPro.  It is simply a strap that wraps around the entire seat and buckles in 
front.  I use this in conjunction with the factory seatbelt.  Works like a 
charm and only costs $14.95. (you could probably fabricate one cheaper).

You concerns about safety are valid and that driver should be counseled on 
available options.

GS IS 300

Greg Umbay wrote:

> --0-1087535076-972319695=:54201
> I have a serious question regarding driver/worker safety.  I would like to 
>first say that I am not trying to bad mouth any person(s) or organization(s).  
>While working the course I noticed a driver who was steering the wheel with 
>the right hand and holding onto the door with the left hand.  I radioed in 
>asking someone to talk to that person.  (I am unaware if anyone went to talk 
>to the driver)  Later the same car/driver came around again using the same one 
>handed technique.  I used common sense and stayed away from that car/driver, 
>putting course work priority after safety.  After the run group I found that 
>driver and mentioned that 2 hands on the wheel was important for safety.  The 
>driver replied that the car's stock seat belts did not hold well and had to 
>use one hand to hold on to the car.  (I am trying not to be gender specific on 
>purpose.)  The driver's body size was small and did not fit into the car well. 
> I suggested to adjust the seats, which was done but still a o!
> ne handed technique was used.  I also suggested a 5 point harness.  The reply 
>was "It's not my car."
> My question is where do we draw the line of safety?
> We are all volunteers and we come out to have fun.  Should we or can we stop 
>a person from driving because of safety?  I understand that we can stop a car 
>for mechanical and or technical reasons.  But can we stop a driver based on 
>the fact that the driver cannot sit in a car properly, risking loosing control 
>of the car?
> Again, I am not trying to bash or trash talk at all.
> ********************************************************
> Street Touring -S
> ********************************************************
> ---------------------------------
> Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.
> --0-1087535076-972319695=:54201
> <P>I have a serious question regarding driver/worker safety.&nbsp; I would 
>like to first say that I am not trying to bad mouth any person(s) or 
>organization(s).&nbsp; While working the course I noticed a driver who was 
>steering the wheel with&nbsp;the right hand and holding onto the door with the 
>left hand.&nbsp; I radioed in&nbsp;asking someone&nbsp;to talk to that 
>person.&nbsp; (I am unaware&nbsp;if anyone went to talk to the driver)&nbsp; 
>Later the same car/driver came around again using the same one handed 
>technique.&nbsp; I used common sense and stayed away from that car/driver, 
>putting course work priority after safety.&nbsp; After the run group I found 
>that driver and mentioned that 2 hands on the wheel was important for 
>safety.&nbsp; The driver replied that the car's stock seat belts did not hold 
>well and had to use one hand to hold on to the car.&nbsp; (I am trying not to 
>be gender specific on purpose.)&nbsp; The driver's body size was small and did 
>not fit into the!
>  car well.&nbsp; I suggested to adjust the seats, which was done but still a 
>one handed technique was used.&nbsp; I also suggested a 5 point harness.&nbsp; 
>The reply was "It's not my car."</P>
> <P>My question is where do we draw the line of safety?</P>
> <P>We are all volunteers and we come out to have fun.&nbsp; Should we or can 
>we stop a person from driving because of safety?&nbsp; I understand that we 
>can stop a car for mechanical and or technical reasons.&nbsp; But can we stop 
>a driver based on the fact that the driver cannot sit in a car properly, 
>risking loosing control of the car?</P>
> <P>Again, I am not trying to bash or trash talk at all.&nbsp; 
> Touring -S</P>
> size=1><b>Do You Yahoo!?</b><br>
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> --0-1087535076-972319695=:54201--

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