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Re: Passenger age?.

To: Keith Hearn <khearn@Legato.COM>
Subject: Re: Passenger age?.
From: barry Spencer <>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 11:16:35 -0700
Ok, let me try this again.  Maybe at  34 :>))) the question was not my age, 
but Christopher's age.  I have received a few smart a_ _ comments. Thanks 
Katie K     :>)))))) Maybe if you were sitting in the passengers seat Katie 
the car would spin  :>)))))..... Oooops



At 10:36 AM 10/19/00 -0700, Keith Hearn wrote:

>Don't worry Barry, you're old enough to be a passenger. :)
>   Keith Hearn
>   '99 Miata 10AE "Sexy Sadie" the Sapphire Shark
>   B-Stock
>   Milpitas, CA
>In message <>, barry 
>Spencer wri
> > Now I have a passenger seat in my EM car.  I was wondering what the 
> minimum
> > age is for a passenger at SCCA and AAS events?.   I was the passenger this
> > last weekend at Mather with Jane Willis from Texas driving.  She is
> > multi-time National Champion and I was told before the weekend that she is
> > one of the best Lady driver's in the US.  It was her first time driving my
> > car. Jane is an awesome driver and I can see how she has her collection
> > of  National titles.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Barry  EM99
> >

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