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Re: Vehicle eligibility...

To: Carl Merritt <>
Subject: Re: Vehicle eligibility...
From: Keith Hearn <khearn@Legato.COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 17:46:30 -0700
In message <>, C
arl Merritt writes:
> > How about if someone with some experience takes the vehicle in 
> >   question out for a test drive and see how it feels? Who knows, 
> >   maybe it's safer than those Rabbits that regularly get several
> >   inches of air under their rear wheels and have a history of 
> >   rolling in autocrosses, yet are still allowed to run.
> Any vehicle can be flipped given enough encouragement, so I wouldn't be
> exactly happy to have anybody, let alone somebody experienced, TRY to go out
> and flip it, and I would assume the same would hold true for Team Foci and
> the rabbit drivers in the crowd...
I wasn't suggesting that they try to flip it. If someone who knows what
  they're doing just takes it out and takes a few corners, they can 
  probably get a good idea as to whether or not it's to tipsy for an 

James was the one who wanted to *try* and flip it.

  Keith Hearn
  '99 Miata 10AE "Sexy Sadie" the Sapphire Shark
  Milpitas, CA

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