That's easy. Start running events in Marina and Sacramento. Stop running events
at Oakland, SF and Albany. We'll probably lose a lot of low interest
competitors. And in the process, we would get more practice driving on
concrete. This would help all those headed for Topeka next year.
On Monday, September 25, 2000, Kelly, Katie <> wrote:
>Dear Geoff,
>These are very good questions. I don't know the answers. Hopefully, Charlie
>Davis and Sherry Grantz will be able to answer these questions
>for you.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Geoff Mohler []
>> Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 1:32 PM
>> To: Kelly, Katie
>> Cc: '';;
>> Subject: RE: New Slush Series Rules
>> So whats the master plan, when the worst happens, and everyone gets
>> memberships.
>> In what fashion to you discourage the 'low interest' members from
>> compeiting to keep the amount of effort required to run a
>> race...within
>> the amount of labor on-hand.
>> Its a very difficult situation the club is in..with no easy
>> answer for the
>> long term.
>> On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, Kelly, Katie wrote:
>> > Charlie Davis writes...
>> >
>> > >We did consider the means, and chose the one that
>> > >serves the people who have supported our series.
>> > >That still seems the fairest to me.
>> >
>> > It also ensures that those willing to wait for their
>> membership cards are
>> > sincerely interested in autocrossing, hopefully for the
>> long term, meaning
>> > we'll get a more consistent field, meaning we'll be better
>> able to handle
>> > those high turnouts.
>> >
>> > I didn't get it at first, but now I do. My apologies to
>> Sherry for being a
>> > butthead. I am physically unable to apologize to Charlie,
>> however. Something
>> > about my upbringing. :)
>> >
>> > Ciao,
>> > Katie
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>> | The proven method to make a Supra race worthy, is to |
>> | strip it down, and shove as many $20 bills as possible |
>> | within the cavity of the car itself. |
>> -------------------------------------------------------------