Here's a few more ideas about the Championship series
as I proposed in an earlier email
If you didn't see it, I propose two separate series, Rookie and
Championship series would be pre-registered. You'd pay in advance for
the series. You'd get pre-printed cards with your class, name, etc.
already filled in. There would be no major registration activity at events
You'd pay for say seven events and get ten cards, say.
You'd have to sign up for the series before the 5th event (or so)
after that you would not be eligible to win, anyway. Price would
be the same however late you signed up.
You sign up for a class all year. You can only accumulate points in
one class, no matter what. If you decide to change classes
for an event you'd run that one as a "FUN RUN" If equipment failure
forced you to permanently change classes early enough to qualify
for a trophy -- before half of the events had been run, you could
apply for a class change. At that time all your previous events
would be changed to "FUN RUN" and you'd lose your points in your
old class for that series. At the end of the series you'd only show
up with points in one class.
When friends from Sacramento, the Southland, Fresno, or elsewhere
who are experienced enough to qualify to run, but not signed up for
the series, we would accommodate them. However their runs would
always be "FUN RUNS" and would not change the points standings of
signed up competitors. No rookies would ever be allowed to
run under these rules.
When we do a Divisional, it would count as a Championship Event.
For the purposes of the series, signed up competitors would accrue
points; everyone else running would be listed as "FUN RUNS".
Rookies would not accumulate points at a divisional, and we would
not have to do any special accommodation for rookies. Those who run
will get a divisional standing and points, and be counted as
"FUN RUN" in the Championship series.
We could do it otherwise, but I sugggest that series fees would
cover entry fees for any divisional we include in the series.
Given that we have a pre-registered group of competitors, we could do
some pre-assignment of work responsibilities. With an experienced
set of competitors, we could institute divisional discipline if we wished,
like cone audits and assigned grid places. This could make for a very
fine competitive series.
Jerry Mouton Laissez les bons temps