Hey All:
Wow, fun season. The course at GGF was a great way to end the schedule.
Enjoyed the flowing design, the "throw out the anchor" last part would have
buried me except for some fine tutelage (is that a word?). Thanks Charlie and
Sherry for the event, Charlie for the driving tips, Arie for the showing me
that drafting Capris helps my times :)
Other than possibly seeing Tony Ozello donning a wet suit, GGF conditions
seem ok to me, a bit cold to be sure. (remember Marina ?) , but surely it
can't be that way all the time. Surface seems to be getting better, traffic
still sucks. Nothing stolen yet.
For those of you experienced in video cams in the car, how would you suggest
cutting down on the wind noise ? Maybe tape a piece of foam over my mike ?
Locate a plug in mike to be relocated by my exhaust tips ? (cool sounds).
Thanks .
Don Lew
DSP #179 Supra