Who thought the course was too difficult? As a rookie, I thought it was a
really good, thought provoking, course. When I was talking to two first
timers on grid, they didn't think it was a killer.
It was easy to memorize, always a weak point with me, and it had neat
elements that required you to figure out a plan carefully. Especially good
was finding out the back sweeper exit was almost a constant radius into the
following right kinks and that your whole run depended on the "slow to go
fast" discipline of the tight turns at the end. 3 clean runs, each faster
than the last, and times I'm happy with for being a newbie on streets. As
Hunter Thomson says, "Never explain, never apologia".
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 10:24 AM
Subject: Professor apologizes for difficulty of final exam (Round 14)
> First, thank you to Sherry, my co-chair (who did most of the work
> the day) and everyone who pitched in and helped out, from the setup crew,
> right through to teardown. I'd mention names, but I'd surely miss
> Second, as course designer, I'll apologize for the difficulty of the
> Sherry decided part way through the day that this was the "final exam" to
> who had been studying all year. It looks great on paper, but didn't
> onto the GGF lot very well.
> If anyone wants to volunteer to be a part of putting on events, let me
> We need to get more people involved so that details like not having
> registration cards, etc. don't happen. what a pain!!!
> Charlie Davis