Congrats to Charlie, I continue to envy drivers who are faster than I.
Don brings up a good question; how long does Kuhmos last? As a new Kuhmos
user, I am curious as to it's true useful life. Starting with the first GGF
event, thru the latest GGF event, I have made 39 runs of 44 to 55 sec each.
My first GGF event, the tires felt great, while last Sunday's GGF event, I
spun during my last two runs, (3rd run group), I was overly aggressive,
granted, driver error had alot to do with it. The question is, even though
the Kuhmos still show traces of tread pattern, could it be that it does'nt
grip as well as full tread?
Eric Cheung
A Stock/PAX