>This is from your friendly Chair people. As i was cleaning up, i
>saw a box and my dog and I walked over to the box. (cardboard box with a
>of junk) as I walked over to box, I could see the jack. As I looked into
>box I saw the tennis balls and so did my dog (Nyssa). At that point the dog
>I fought over the box. I valiantly tried to save your balls, but my dog
>run off with one. I did save the rest. It's all in the motor home, you can
>it at the next event
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll let Brian know to claim the stuff at
the next event. No problem at all on the missing tennis balls; Nyssa is
plenty welcome to the remaining ones as a bounty.
> PS sorry the dog ate your balls
Um, yeah ;)