Thanks, but my car is a chopped up Civic, complete with wrong-wheel
drive and wrong engine placement :)
Anyways, I just set up an appointment with Barry for next week.
Thanks for all the great feedback. I think it would be a good idea
to have a FAQ for these topics. I'll even volunteer to get it
started :)
#87 CSP del Sol aka "Hoochie" wrote:
> Jack at C2 on autocross alignments, in my book. He's also very MR-2
> knowledgeable, and your alignment won't slip when he's done.
> Custom has done alignments for me in the past, and they have done a very good
> job. I would make sure they know the specs you want and that they know
> about the MR2 tendency to slip to WAY positive camber during autocrosses and
> what to do to prevent it.