Sorry. Couldn't resist the obvious pun...
We have had several autocrossers volunteer to drive the sweeper, though none
of them volunteered to actually provide the sweeper itself... If I remember
my conversation with John &/or Pat Kelly, we will tell the guy to keep
sweeping it 'til there's nothing coming up!
One thing that comes to mind, and several competitors who have been to the
Boeing lot in Kent, WA have already noticed this... The surface at GGF is
almost identical to the surface at Kent, and the Kent lot is known to Stock
and SP drivers as a "Full Tread Kumho Lot." The locals there always had
brand new Kumhos for important events at that lot, because they were the
grippiest thing on that surface. Derek Butts and I didn't believe this, and
took something else up there last year. We ended up buying new Kumhos at the
event... So, as we use GGF more, I'm thinking Kumho V-700s may become more
of a tire of choice in SFR.
Thanks to John Kelly for getting us back at GGF. I was happy to give John
his 10 free entries (that's our event site "finder's fee") on Sunday.
Despite the Doom and Gloom (small size, deteriorating pavement) picture
painted by Dennis Hale earlier this year, I think GGF is a great site. The
running area is something like 900' X 500' and the pavement will be just
fine, thank you...