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Input to the August Issue of the Wheel

To: Jerry Mouton <>,,,
Subject: Input to the August Issue of the Wheel
From: Rich Urschel <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 20:05:14 -0400
If any of you have material to submit to the Wheel for publication in
please send it to me or let me know by tomorrow. The editor, John
needs to finish the issue by July 3 so he needs the autox content very

If someone would like to volunteer to provide an event report for SFR
round 9
this Sunday, you have a month or so to send it to me for publication in
September issue. I will not be there, so step up to the plate or there
will be no
coverage. Compensation consists entirely of the occasional "thank you".
from me guaranteed.) If eight of you each report on one run group I'll
edit and
compile it.

Rich Urschel, Regional Coordinator for Autox content in the Wheel
by more or less unanimous consent although it's a title I just made up

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