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Re: June 17/18 Update 12 days and counting...

Subject: Re: June 17/18 Update 12 days and counting...
From: Kenneth Allan Mitchell <>
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 21:56:47 -0700
Kevin McCormick - please give Kevin Stevens some special attention so
that he gets his money's worth for Tech. Since his air conditioner is 3
degrees warmer on the passenger side that could be a safety related item
if not a performance advantage item. But if he offers a bribe, don't
forget to split it with me.

Kevin Stevens wrote:
> > As it is we goofed the cut off date it should have been, the 1st so
> > take advantage! You have to the 12th. But don't wait till then. We
> > appreciate all of you who have already sent in your forms Thank You.
> >
> > In breaking News on the coming Divisional in Sacramento. We  will be
> > having a Huge Raffle at this event we have received items from Hoosier
> >
> > and Kumho for this ("hint") one of them has given us a " SET OF TIRES"
> >
> > to give away. Now if that doesn't get your registration in did I
> > mention the Great party that goes with the event complete with a POOL!
> >
> > Also we have been moved to an asphalt site so those concerned about
> > tire wear come on
> > down! Also Barry Spencer will be having a raffle to benefit Leukemia
> > at this event see below:
> Let me put in my two cents' here.  First, what kind of organizers are you that
> screw up the cutoff date so all my competition has a chance to register for 
> event??  Next, I've BEEN on that asphalt site and it's incredibly hot ALL DAY
> LONG - PLUS the air conditioning on the passenger side of my car is three
> degrees warmer than the driver's side and the dealer WON'T FIX IT despite my
> numerous requests!  And third, those raffles are a JOKE - the public schools
> don't see a penny of that, and who wins is all a political SCAM, anyway.
> KeS
> (imitation is the sincerest form of... somethin'!)

Kenneth Allan Mitchell

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