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Re: Autocross Widow

To: Dennis & Sherry Armstrong <>,
Subject: Re: Autocross Widow
From: "Darren P. Madams" <>
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 08:17:37 -0700

Perhaps you don't understand....

You get a _really_ cool hat if you go to all the events!!!!

hehe :)

Just keep talking, and both of you do your best to compromise.  (You too, 
Dennis!) :)


At 10:01 PM 5/31/00, Dennis & Sherry Armstrong wrote:
>O.K. everyone, I feel the need to tell all of you that I do support my
>husband in his
>racing.  I feel very strongly that a person needs to have out side
>hobbies.  I am behind
>Dennis all the way, and if I could I would be at the events with him.
>Unfortunately I can't
>because we have 3 young children.  I too love to race and am always
>telling Dennis that
>it will be nice when the kids are older so I can go with him.
>What bothers me is that Dennis is to ANAL about making every event.  He
>just missed our
>8 year olds first gymnastics event, even she asked him "What's more
>important a race or
>my gymnastics"  He picked the race.  Need I say more?  That is what
>really bothers me.   I will
>tell him that something is coming up and his first words are I have a
>race that day reschedule, or I can't go I have to race.  We really only
>have the weekends to all be together because of our work
>schedules and there is a frigin race almost every weekend, and sometimes
>Saturday and
>Anyway I feel better now that you all know my side.  I love Dennis with
>all my heart
>and in no way is our marriage in jeopardy.  I support him in what ever
>he wants to do
>but there are just to many events in my mind. And by golly he is bound
>and determined
>to make them all.
>Sherry Armstrong

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