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Re: NorPac Divisional

To: "Miller, Reginald R." <>,
Subject: Re: NorPac Divisional
From: "Donald R McKenna" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 08:22:49 -0700
To all,

I don't think, I've seen these sentiments on the "net" before, so here goes.

I think it was very generous of the Sac Chapter to "step-in" and offer to
stage the Pro, when the Atwater site "went away", in order to keep an SFR
Pro on the schedule. There was some initial concern (and a little grumbling)
about the McCLellan site but the concerns, mainly parking space, were
assuaged in short order. As things have turned out, I think it's to our
collective (SFR) benefit that the Fresno chapter can continue the "string"
of conducting  great Pro SOLO events. 

In that regard, I think we should, also, recognize the equally gracious
position the Sac Chapter has taken, with the acquisition of the Lemore site
and the shifting of the event location back to the Fresno Chapter. Their
involvement kept the event on the National schedule while the Fresno folks
were trying to line up Lemore.

Congratulations to all.


>From: "Miller, Reginald R." <>
>To: "'Fresno Chapter SCCA'" <>, Sean & Jeannine Breese
>Cc: "Team. net (E-mail)" <>
>Subject: RE: NorPac Divisional
>Date: Thu, Apr 20, 2000, 11:55 AM

>Hi Gary,
>Let me give you a little background on the Pro Solo date. In the early part
>of the year Fresno Chapter got on the National schedule to hold the Pro Solo
>on April 29-30 in Atwater. Due to circumstances beyond their control the
>Atwater site became unavailable and hence the Pro Solo didn't have a home to
>run in the Northern California area. Sacramento Chapter was approached by
>several people, including the National Office, to see if we could provide a
>site for the event. After much discussion with the command structure at
>McClellan A.F.B. Sacramento Chapter received approval to hold an event on
>April 29-30 at McClellan. Subsequently, the National Office decided to hold
>the Pro Solo on April 29-30 at Lemoore. Politically, Sacramento Chapter
>couldn't go back to the Base Commander at McClellan and tell him we didn't
>want the date. So we decided to put on a Test & Tune on Saturday and a Mini
>Enduro on Sunday for those people who may want to autocross and don't plan
>on running the Pro Solo. So that's kind of the story. We try to avoid
>conflicts with National events and even other local S.C.C.A. events. In this
>case we got stuck and are trying to make the best of it without complaint.
>Ray Miller
>Assistant Chapter Exec.
>S.C.C.A. Sacramento Chapter 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Fresno Chapter SCCA []
>Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 8:09 AM
>To: Sean & Jeannine Breese
>Subject: Re: NorPac Divisional
>Just curious...this April 28-30 is the ProSolo in Lemoore. Why the schedule

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