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RE: Disgrace! (That's me)

To: "Thana, Peter {High~Palo Alto}" <PETER.THANA@Roche.COM>,
Subject: RE: Disgrace! (That's me)
From: Rick Brown <>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 14:02:00 -0700
See SF regions web site for my Grand Cherokee doing solo II.
It didn't flip but the suspension's been modified... mainly lowered and

- Rick Brown
  BP Corvette

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Thana, Peter
{High~Palo Alto}
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 11:55 AM
To: ''
Subject: Disgrace! (That's me)

I went to BMW's Ultimate Driving Experience at 3Com yesterday where you
autox an X5.  After the standard chalk talk and practice, there was a relay
race between 2 teams of ~8 people plus instructors.  Well, I set the best
scratch time of the non-instructors by ~1.5 seconds, but unfortunately with
2 cones!  In the end our team lost by 1 second and I consider it all my

Funny thing was, I had no idea I hit cones until my dad told me.  That's the
problem with SUVs- you can run over puppies and little kids all day and not
even notice!  Ok, so I'm just making excuses:)

I have to say BMW NA ran an extremely well organized and fun event.  When I
first saw the number of people, I thought we'd be there for 5 hours.  But
they kept everything on schedule by providing lots of cars (I mean SUVs) and
splitting us up.  If only they'll bring this back with the M cars...

As another activities, their drivers demonstrated some violent lane-change
action with a Lexus LX470, a Merc ML430, and their beloved X5.  The LX470
would have well and truly barrel rolled were it not for the massive Consumer
Reports-style anti SUV flipping girders attached to it.  The Merc almost
flipped, and the BMW of course did not.  Still, I just don't get it; it
doesn't flip, but neither does a 528 sport wagon.  Anyway, makes you think
about SUVs doing Solo II...

Peter Thana
'99 BMW Z3 2.8 Coupe
SFR AS-Street Tire

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