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Re: June 3 SFR SCCA Solo II school is full.

To: <>,
Subject: Re: June 3 SFR SCCA Solo II school is full.
From: "Debbie Cunningham" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 23:20:56 -0700
Oh no!  Kevin, we (Joe and I ) sent our apps and $ out this morning!!  Say
it ain't so!  Mushtangs and Beagles need this class desperately!!  Besides,
we will provide the instructors with both a challenge and comic relief!

You said that begging might work...groveling must be even better   ;*]

Debbie Cunningham
'95 Beagle Talon TSi AWD
Joe Basuino
"90 Mushtang 5.0

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
To: "Bay Area Autox List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 6:53 PM
Subject: June 3 SFR SCCA Solo II school is full.

> Of students, that is.  We still need bunches of instructors - email Vernon
> (mailto:// if interested.
> KeS

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