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Re: Pro Solo Challenge Workers Needed!

Subject: Re: Pro Solo Challenge Workers Needed!
From: "Darren P. Madams" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 08:36:31 -0700
At 09:56 PM 4/13/00, wrote:
>First, I hope a lot of you are planning on running in the LeMoore Pro Solo!
>Pro Solo is a huge blast...  If you don't know what it's about, just ask.
>You'll definitely get answers on THIS list.  (Somebody wanna take a stab at
>describing a Pro?)

I'll take that!

ProSolo = A combination of Autocross and Drag Racing.  Mirror image courses 
where you get to run against people in your own class for 2 heats of 4 runs 
on Saturday morning and afternoon and another 4 runs on sunday morning.  If 
you're quick enough (closest to the class winner), you qualify for the 
"Challenge" competition on Sunday afternoon where you will run up against 
someone from a different class (usually) with the lights handicapped based 
on the class dial-in time such that theoretically you should both finish at 
the same time!  If you don't qualify for the Challenge, you can put your 
name in for the randomly picked "Pathetic Loser Challenge" where you get to 
run with your own dial-in time!

Tons of fun, tons of track time, and more exciting one on one competition 
than you're used to!!!

Get there on Friday afternoon to do practice starts if you've never seen a 
drag christmas tree before.

>If you are not running, consider coming down Sunday and working the Handicap
>Challenge, the Sunday afternoon finale to the weekend, and some of the most
>fun you can imagine in Solo 2.  AND, you'll be right where the action is!
>SFR will give all Challenge workers a free entry to an SFR event.

A couple people who were unsure of running the Pro last year came down to 
help out in Atwater last year and promised to run the event this 
year!  Even if you don't want to run this event, helping out and spectating 
on course (pay attention) is really exciting!!!  The matchups and the 
rivalries are intense!  Who will ever forget Scotty "Bob" White vs. Phil 
"Corvette Killer" Esra.... it's the stuff legends are made of!!!

And with the rising cost of inflation (and the complete collapse of my 
stock options), who can refuse a free entry?!?!?!?!?!?!

>Don McKenna ( is keeping the list of the
>workers.  I think it would be fun to carpool down, maybe do breakfast on the
>way, and make a sort of "mini roadtrip" out of it.  Sometimes, the roadtrip
>portion is the most fun, anyway!

Don, count me in!!!!  I'll be at the event anyway and not likely to make 
the Challenge :)  How's that for positive thinking?? :)


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