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Re: Kumho size for Miata?

To: Keith Hearn <khearn@Legato.COM>,
Subject: Re: Kumho size for Miata?
From: Kit Wetzler <>
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2000 16:34:45 -0800
Just FYI, the factory wheels are 15x6.  I found that a 225 kumho is too
much tire for the Miata, they never quite get hot enough.  At Mather
when it's really hot they work great, but if it's below 75 or so
outside, they just don't work all that well, especially at Oakland.  The
other problem is that your gearing gets too tall with a 225.

If I were you, I'd stick to the 205/50r15.  They are plenty wide and fit
alright on the stock wheels. (which are too damn narrow.)  


Keith Hearn wrote:
> I guess my question really is, is the 225 "too much tire" for a stock
>   Miata?  The wider tire will be taller, thus raising my effective
>   gear ratio, plus it will be heavier. Is this going to hurt my
>   acceleration too much?

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