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Re: A Mod - Does it require enclosed bodywork???

To: "Kevin Brown" <>,
Subject: Re: A Mod - Does it require enclosed bodywork???
From: Sam & Greg Scharnberg <>
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2006 21:50:25 -0600
Hi Kevin:

I think the following is what you are looking for.  Appears that a minimal 
body is required.

Hope that helps.

Greg Scharnberg
Ralt RT5 - BM

Cars not otherwise classified, which meet the following minimum
specifications, are considered as Specials and are assigned to A
A. Bodywork
1. Must be made of metal, fiberglass or other suitable fire resistant
materials. The sides, front and back of the cockpit area
must be at least as high as the driver's waist.
2. Full and unobstructed access to the driver's seat must be
3. Firewall and floor shall prevent the passage of flame and
debris to the driver's compartment. Belly pans shall be
vented to prevent the accumulation of liquids.
4. Fenders are optional and design of same are free. Sharp
edges are not allowed.
5. Minimum of one seat, capable of supporting the driver in an
upright or semi-reclining position is required. Location of the
driver's seat is unrestricted.

At 07:47 PM 3/3/2006 -0600, Kevin Brown wrote:
>Does A Mod require enclosed bodywork or just a cage around the driver?
>I've read the rules and they aren't clear.  Thanks.

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