Mark Sirota wrote:
"This discussion should have been out of bounds for Danny. His column is
supposed to be about ProSolo, not political commentary on topics about
which he should certainly know better. None of the rest of us get the
opportunity to have space in SportsCar for such things."
For the record, Danny's column is about National Solo, not ProSolo
Bringing up points of discussion about issues that affect National Solo, and
all of Solo, are well within the bounds of the column. To be perfectly
honest, I don't know which side of the issue Danny is on. But bringing up an
issue that is a point of perennial debate is certainly on topic, especially
during the off season.
Finally, anyone is welcome to write a letter to SportsCar. I can't guarantee
that the letter will be published, but I can guarantee the letter we don't
receive won't be published.
Richard S. James