> be other years. In '91-2 the extra 5 hp for 49 state
> cars was due to one
> catalytic converter instead of two (inline).
Actually, the '93+ have a larger throttle body for 5
more hp, I think the dual catalytic converter was for
california models. Either way you look at it, you
could win in any model year. The '93+ is the
preference (easier to find 15x7 wheels than 14x7), and
'92 models, '94, and '95 are extremely rare. You
only see '91 and '93 because they make up about 90% of
all MR2's on the road. They sold '91 models for
almost 2 full years (started January of '90) and then
started selling '93 models halfway through '92, by
'95, they sold less than 100 MR2's total, in part due
to it's price tag of around $30,000 (for a non-turbo)
up from $17,000 in '91.
Sean Minehart
Team Underdog Racing
'91 MR2
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