Three days? Entirely possible. The cover of the official results says Sept.
9-12, but that does not necessarily mean we competed on Thursday -- that
coulda been just registration day. Not uncommon.
The '83 results are dated "September 15, 16, 17 and 18." '84 results not
dated at all. '85 says "Sept. 18-22" on the cover and we know we did not
compete five days (inside it says September 19-22).
Now that Gregg mentions it, I think I do recall doing both courses the same
day -- and changing out a broken axle between the two courses.
I also think I recall, which supports Gregg's memory, that when we did three
days it was Friday-Sunday but when we went to four it was always
I don't recall the color-coded cones at Gurnee, but I remember them at
Chicago Region's first Nationals in 1974 at Lake Geneva -- powder blue
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gregg Lee" <>
To: "'Rocky Entriken'" <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 9:24 PM
Subject: RE: Origin of Chicago boxes
At the risk of disagreeing with the Historian, I think 1982 was still the 3
day format begun in 1980 - in which you ran both courses on the same day. I
remember clearly because I changed a blown head gasket between courses -
with much help. 4 days may not have been until 1984. I have video tape of
that one.
Didn't the non-box course in 1982 also have different color cones on left
and right side for at least part of the course? I remember big green cones
and short orange ones anyway. Or perhaps it was just hallucination from
three hours upside down in the engine compartment.
It also had a class rerun the next day - because they ran in the dark the
first time.