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Re:was Origin of Chicago boxes now nickname the new "Toaster"

Subject: Re:was Origin of Chicago boxes now nickname the new "Toaster"
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 23:53:35 EST
In the NW region we have a small goup of autocrossers running up near the  
canadian border in Blaine. They are not an SCCA club and therefore aren't held  
to SCCA standards. They came up with a variation on the chicago box and dubbed 
 it the Mt.Baker Box or "Baker Box" named after of course one of the local  
Volcanos up here. The design was so horrible (see tight) that it has lived in  
infamy up here in the NW region to this day among local autocrossers. Here is 
an  example of the design.
#      #
#       #
 entering from the direction of the bottom or top of the  screen.
Funny how things catch nicknames. 
Speaking of that we don't have a nickname for the new trailer yet! The old  
one was the "Toaster" so what do we call the new one? How about the "Pickle" or 
 the "Salami" or the "Cargo Hold" or "The Cigar"  anyone.....Ferris......
Kevin Dietz

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