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Re: PAX Factors

To: <>
Subject: Re: PAX Factors
From: "Steven T. Ekstrand" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 00:03:42 -0600
I was a +2 handicap golfer at one point in my life.  In comparison, my
autocross index would be closer to the USGA GHIN maximum of -40.4.

The better analogy for PAX is NHRA Competition Eliminator which establishes
an index for each class with no breakout.  However, there is index
adjustment when drivers breakout by too much that carries to the next round.
And when those adjustments are enforced at an event, the index is studied
after the event and adjustments might be made during the season.

There is an assumption that the cars in each class are equally prepared and
driven.  Breakthrough performances are punished in the name of close
competition.  Sandbagging is part of the game, I never saw it looked down up
on by the competitors I knew, but often the competition is so strong in a 32
car comp field that its tough to throw sand.

Not a perfect world.  But its the only way, if you desire to race an AA/PM
(high sixes) against an I/SMA (runs high 9's-I have no idea what the P
stands for--M in the last position is Manual, SMA is Super Modified
Automatic-its confusing...).

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