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Re: Slow Courses On Big Sites Is Not Fun!

To: "adam popp" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Slow Courses On Big Sites Is Not Fun!
From: "Chuck" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 00:41:26 -0400
Adam, I don't know where your info is coming from, but it is diametrically
opposite the discussions I've had with home office. The complaints I heard
and that were being addressed by the national office was that courses at
national events have been getting too tight and gimmicky to the point of
becoming painful to run. 05 Toledo Tour and Oscoda Pro being the most
dis-cussed (pun intended). This came to a head IMHO at Oscoda where a number
of competitors joined together and filed a protest against the course
design. Cindy has addressed these complaints by convening a course design
oversite committee to review national event courses for such things as 1st
gear pivot turns, features without sufficient "down course" spacing, overly
tight gates that dictate line, "walls of death" top of third gear dragstrips
ending in a heavy braking zone and other such features that do not add to
the quality of the event. This oversight was instituted for Peru and Ayer
Tours and all events thereafter. I applaude her taking this step to assurer
all events will reflect the types of courses found in Topeka in Sept within
the limits imposed by the event sites themselves. For this reason alone I am
looking forwards, rather than with dread, to the Toledo Pro in two weeks, I
expect to finally see a course design worthy of a national level event at
that great site.
----- Original Message -----
From: "adam popp" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:22 PM
Subject: Slow Courses On Big Sites Is Not Fun!

>     Hello everyone. Well, I heard there was a lot of complaining at the
> National Tour about the courses there being to fast. They weren't that
> come on now. Then, I heard from a source at the most recent cendiv event
> weekend at Grissom AFB, that the national tour at Grissom was tight and
> because people complained about the national tour courses in Toledo. Then
> cendiv event I went to where I was expecting a typical Grissom course, was
> as good, it was slower and tighter.
>      Now people, why are you in autocrossing if you don't want to go fast?
> Slow courses on big sites such as Grissom or Toledo Bax airport are not
> like I mentioned in the subject line.
>     I also heard the SCCA wants the top speed at the national tours to be
> 60mph at any site from now on. Give me a break, I hope that's not the
> You will take a lot of fun out of autocrossing if put the top speed at
> instead of 70mph where it has been. And you may loose a lot of members and
> money because so. I hope SCCA Solo 2 is not headed towards slow courses on
> sites more in the future, because if so I might just run the local events
> where we like to go fast. That's my opinion, I'm out.

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