SportsCar magazine's editorial staff is soliciting racers and others for
short, quick tips for a feature article. We're looking for tips dealing with
car or driver preparation or driving technique - or anything else that has
to do with racing, for that matter, such as sponsor shopping or
self-promotion. These tips will include all types of SCCA activity,
including crewing and race officiating.
We would like to offer you the opportunity to lend your hot tip to the
story. If you have a quick tip that you would like to submit, we welcome it.
Tips should be less than 50 words, and ideally involve something that is
easy and cheap to do. We're looking for ideas that will save SCCA members
time, money and work.
If we use your submission, we will print your name with your tip, and
several of the submissions will be selected at random for some cool swag.
Please send your tips to by June 13, and include your
full name, the type of activity you participate in and your class, if
applicable, plus your address.
We thank you, and your fellow autocrossers thank you.
Richard S. James