Okay let's change some words around here.
SP now is Outside the Drivetrain AKA OD
P now is Inside the Drivetrain AKA ID
Another way to look at this would be OD -- err SP -- is cars under two
decades old for which parts are still available and ID -- err P -- is for
cars for which parts aren't still available.
Now admittedly this comment is somewhat tounge in cheek, but if we exclude
CP and ESP it almost makes sense. CP/ESP have their own Mason-Dixon line and
I'm not going there...
FWIW -- were I king P would get all the mods allowed in SP effective '06.
Give us P dood's a year to get aclimated and we'll show them how we do
things 'Down Town' in '07. Can you imagine a Fordhal or Dorsey powered car
with SP running gear and slicks.
Yes, yes, Power to Weight isn't as big a deal as Lateral Force to Tire-Stick
in solo, but what if the two were combined?
Hide the women and children.
PS: let's just merge the two and be done with it.